Trump Rages at Former Biographer For Pointing Out He Is a Racist

President Trump lashed out at MSNBC and CNN, saying the networks invite guests to appear “as experts on ‘Trump’ ” that “have no idea what I am all about,” The Hill reports.
Tweeted Trump: “Just watched a world class loser, Tim O’Brien, who I haven’t seen or spoken to in many years, & knows NOTHING about me except that he wrote a failed hit piece book about me 15 years ago. Fired like a dog from other jobs? Saw him on Lyin’ Brian Williams Trump Slam Show. Bad TV.”
He added: “I am so amazed that MSNBC & CNN can keep putting on, over and over again, people that have no idea what I am all about, and yet they speak as experts on “Trump.’”
O’Brien was on MSNBC the next evening and explained it was his discussion on Trump and his racism that set him off.
“Tim O’Brien wrote a very successful book that included a dismantling of Donald Trump’s claim he was a billionaire and Donald Trump lost his liable suit against Tim O’Brien about that book,” O’Donnell noted.
“Tim, congratulations. It’s been years since he attacked you,” said O’Donnell, who has also been attacked by Trump.
“Four years,” O’Brien replied.
“That means he really, really hates you when he doesn’t attack you for years because he hates giving you and attention but you tripped him last night.
“We talked about racism — and that set him off,” O’Brien suggested.
“That will do it,” O’Donnell replied. “Let’s see if you can get him going tonight.”