Trump Retweets Racist ‘White Genocide’ Twitter Account


After months of echoing the American racist right—promising to catalogue all American Muslims, accusing immigrants of being rapists, proposing to build a wall covering the entire U.S.-Mexico border—Donald Trump was caught retweeting a racist Twitter account.

Trump used his official Twitter account to retweet the account @WhiteGenocideTM. The account, which has claimed “Hitler SAVED Europe” and that “Jews/Israel did 9/11,” is named after an increasingly popular racist idea that white nationalist have worked hard to push into the mainstream –– the idea of “white genocide.”

White genocide is an idea that white people, far from ruling most of the developed world, are actually being subjected to a genocide that will ultimately wipe out their race. In recent years, the idea has been spread through something known as the “The Mantra,” a 221-word attack on multiculturalism written by Robert Whitaker, a cantankerous segregationist making a presidential bid this year on the racist American Freedom Party ticket. The Mantra ends with the phrase, “Anti-racist is code word for anti-white.”

Already, the Tweet has garnered considerable attention on the racist right. On Stormfront, the nation’s largest white supremacist website, the user Fading Light said, “[T]his is a GOOD thing. [Trump] willingly retweeted the name. The name was chosen to raise awareness of our plight. Helped propagate it. We should be grateful.”

Another user on Stormfront, “DarkWorld423,” said, “A resounding applause to you, Herr Trump. And please pay no mind to the anti-White idiots insulting you.”

(h/t Southern Policy Law Center)


Donald Trump retweeted an account named “White Genocide“. Let that sink in for a moment.

This isn’t the first time Donald Trump went to Twitter to promote racism.

And it isn’t even the last time Trump reweeted from the same Nazi-sympathizing white supremacist Twitter account.

Trump Retweets, Then Deletes, Racist Image Tying Jeb Bush to Nazis


Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Tuesday night retweeted — and promptly deleted — a collage attacking his GOP primary rival Jeb Bush that featured a swastika.

The tweet, which Trump manually reposted, was quickly circulated by various Twitter users and reporters, who took screenshots of the image and reposted them.

Trump tweets "ADIOS, JEB aka JOSE" with racist and Nazi imagery.

In addition to a swastika, the collage also used Hispanic stereotypes to promote an anti-immigration reform agenda. The campaign said Wednesday morning that Trump did not realize the image included offensive imagery.

“This was retweeted by Mr. Trump like hundreds of others. He did not see the accompanying image and the retweet has since been deleted,” Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks said in an e-mail.

Last month Trump’s account tweeted a comment disparaging Iowa voters who support his rival Ben Carson, insinuating they lacked intelligence. In July, Trump’s account tweeted a graphic that inadvertently used images of Nazi soldiers.  In both instances, Trump said that an intern had committed the error.

(h/t The Washington Post)


Trump must be running out of interns to fire.

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