Insensitive Trump Jokingly Courts the Terminally Ill Vote

Speaking at a rally in Nevada, Donald Trump has urged the terminally ill to vote for him.

“I don’t care how sick you are,” the Republican nominee said.

“I don’t care if you just came back from the doctor and he gave you the worst possible prognosis, meaning it’s over. Doesn’t matter. Hang out till November 8. Get out and vote.”

He continued: “And then, all we’re gonna say is, ‘We love you and we will remember you always.’ Get out and vote.”

If it helps you gauge how serious Trump was, it’s worth considering that he also remarked “I say kiddingly, but I mean it” at the time. Make of that what you will.

(h/t BBC)


Trump Threatens to Sue Clinton Over Attack Ads That Use His Own Words

Donald Trump is taking his penchant for lawsuits on the campaign trail. On Wednesday during a rally in Henderson, Nevada, the Republican presidential nominee threatened to take legal action against Hillary Clinton for a “nasty” television ad the campaign ran against him.

“I saw today — I left the room and I saw a commercial where it was really a nasty commercial, totally made up about me with vets,” Trump told the crowd. “There is nobody that loves the vets more or respects the vets more. They’re spending hundreds of millions of dollars on false commercials, and it’s a disgrace.”

“So what we’ll do — I guess we’ll sue them,” he said. “Let’s sue them.”

It was not immediately clear which ad Trump was referring to, but last month, the Clinton campaign premiered a 30-second spot that slams Trump and features veterans. The “Sacrifice” ad, like other Clinton ads targeting Trump, relies on Trump’s own words for its impact on voters.  It shows a montage of veterans and their families as they watch Trump on television criticizing the military.

“I know more about ISIS than the generals do,” Trump’s voice says from a TV screen as a Navy veteran looks on.

One veteran with an artificial leg, along with his family, watches as Trump blasts Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona, a former prisoner of war, as someone who was “not a war hero.”

“He’s a war hero because he was captured,” Trump says. “I like people who weren’t captured, OK?”

Here’s the video in full:

During last week’s first presidential debate in New York, Trump also slammed Clinton for her “very nasty commercials… which I don’t do on you.”

In fact, Trump has run negative ads against Clinton, including ones that have said Clinton “put our national security at risk” and have called her “careless, reckless, crooked.”

(h/t CBS News)
