Trump Throws Birther Conspiracy at Cruz

Donal Trump questions Ted Cruz’s legitimacy for his candidacy for the Republican nomination in a phone call to Fox News.

“He was born in Canada. If you know and when we all studied our history lessons, you are supposed to be born in this country, so I just don’t know how the courts will rule on this.”


The Constitution says the candidate must be 35 years of age and a resident of the United States for 14 years. The third qualification: He or she must be a “natural born citizen.”

The Congressional Research Service, the agency tasked with providing authoritative research to all members of Congress, published a report after the 2008 election supporting the thinking that “natural born” citizenship means citizenship held “at birth.”

Ted Cruz is eligible to be President of the United States of America.


Let’s Make America Great Again

Trump, Make America Great Again

Donal Trump made the claim he invented the slogan “Make America Great Again”.

“The line of ‘Make America great again,’ the phrase, that was mine, I came up with it about a year ago, and I kept using it, and everybody’s now using it, they are all loving it.”

“I don’t know, I guess I should copyright it.”

“Maybe I have copyrighted it.”


As many news agencies have pointed out:

Reagan “Let’s make America great again” Poster

Donald Trump has indeed trademarked the phrase, but apparently the filing overlooked clothing, such as t-shirts and hats.


Donald Trump Sues ‘malicious’ Palm Beach Airport for $100 Million

Trump Mar a Lago resort

Donald Trump has sued Palm Beach County in Florida for $100 million and accused the county-run airport of deliberately sending air traffic over his historic mansion and private club.

Trump specifically called out the local airport director Bruce Pelly for diverting all departing flights over the Mar-a-Lago mansion, to seek revenge over a 20-year-old lawsuit.

 “The county’s and Bruce Pelly’s efforts in this regard are both deliberate and malicious, and motivated by personal animosity towards Donald Trump,” reads the lawsuit, which was filed in Palm Beach County Court on Jan. 6.

The lawsuit says Pelly wants to get back at Trump for suing him in 1995 and blocking his plans to expand the airport.

“Pelly is seeking revenge by attacking Mar-a-Lago from the air,” according to the lawsuit.

Adding insult to injury, Trump is forced to fly his own private jet over his club, according to his lawyer, John Marion of Sellars, Marion & Bachi.

Lawyers for Palm Beach County, who represent Pelly, declined to comment.

Trump bought the Spanish-tiled oceanside mansion in 1985 and it is listed on the National Register of Historical Places. The lawsuit said that it was built in 1927, and therefore predates the existence of the airport, which was built in the 1930s. It also predates the introduction of jet aircraft in the 1950s.

Trump called the flights a “horrible injustice” and that, despite restoration, the vintage club is “particularly susceptible to the corrosive bombardment” from jet aircraft.

“The overflights of Mar-a-Lago have caused a direct and substantial invasion of the property by excessive, unreasonable, unwarranted and uninvited noise, vibrations, fumes, pollution and residue, which cause direct physical damage to Mar-a-Lago,” reads the lawsuit.

The lawsuit claims the mansion is “by far and away the most important historical structure in Palm Beach and one of the most important in Florida and, indeed, the United States.


Not on the list of historical Palm Beach structures:

Most important structure in Florida:


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