Trump Ejects Heckler For Calling Him Boring

Heckler tells Trump he is boring

Donald Trump had his security forcibly remove a heckler from a rally on Monday for calling the GOP presidential front-runner “boring.”

“This is boring! This is boring!” the unidentified man yelled during the event in Windham, N.H. “Tell some jokes.”

Trump then smiled at his disrupter before calling for his ejection once it became clear the man would not stay silent.

“Get him out of here,” he said. “Get out of here, go ahead. Out, out, out, out, get out.”

“He wants jokes, [but] there’s nothing funny about this,” Trump continued. “This is so serious. He’s got a very serious problem. I saw that when I came in. He says, he loves me, ‘I love you, you’re the greatest’ — no. Get him out of here.”

The heckler repeatedly swore he is a Trump supporter as security escorted him from the rally, CNN reported Monday.

“I love Donald, but it’s getting a little boring,” said the man said, who wore a hat with Trump’s “Make America Great Again” campaign slogan. “It’s getting a little boring.”





Trump Ejects Muslim Couple In Silent Protest

Silent protest by Muslim couple at Trump rally

A Muslim woman wearing a hijab was escorted out of Donald Trump’s campaign event on Friday by police after she stood up in silent protest during Trump’s speech.

Rose Hamid, a 56-year-old flight attendant sitting in the stands directly behind Trump, stood up Friday during Trump’s speech when the Republican front-runner suggested that Syrian refugees fleeing war in Syria were affiliated with ISIS.

Trump has previously called for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the U.S.

Despite her silence, Trump supporters around her began chanting Trump’s name — as instructed by Trump campaign staff before the event in case of protests — and pointed at Hamid and Marty Rosenbluth, the man alongside her who stood up as well.

As they were escorted out, Trump supporters roared — booing the pair and shouting at them to “get out.” One person shouted, “You have a bomb, you have a bomb,” according to Hamid.

“The ugliness really came out fast and that’s really scary,” Hamid told CNN in a phone interview after she was ejected.

(h/t CNN)


That was one of the most bravest things I have ever seen. You cannot disagree that, even though it was a silent and peaceful protest, as a Muslim woman in that environment comes with a large amount of risk.


Trump Ejects Protesters Into the Cold and Takes Their Coats

Trump ejects protesters into the winter in Burlington, Vt and takes their coats.

Republican front-runner Donald Trump directed security to kick out protesters and Bernie Sanders supporters from his Vermont rally and to confiscate their coats.

As protesters shouted “Bernie! Bernie!” during his rally in Burlington, Vt, Trump ordered his security:

Throw them out into the cold. Don’t give them their coats. No coats! Confiscate their coats.

The anti-Trump protesters had planned to infiltrate the Trump rally, but many were thwarted as Trump security screened attendees and ejected those who didn’t declare allegiance to the billionaire.

But about half an hour into the speech some protesters began chanting.

Trump said it was “fun” to have the protesters attend his events and kick them out. Trump then told his security:

It’s about 10 degrees below zero outside. … You can keep his coat; tell him we’ll send it to him in a couple of weeks.

“You know it’s sort of fun. Isn’t this more exciting?” Trump added. “You know, you go to a Hillary thing. It’s like, boring. You go to a Jeb thing and you fall asleep.

“Are there any remnants?” Trump later asked, as another protester shouted out.

“There’s a remnant,” he said, pointing. “Throw him out.”

But as the disruptions continued, Trump’s patience appeared to wear thin. He blamed security guards for not responding more forcefully:

This is why we’re losing control of our country. This is why. We lose control of our country ’cause everybody’s afraid to do anything. They’re afraid to lose their jobs.

(h/t The Hill, NY Daily News)


Trump Audience Member Yells Nazi Salute as Protester Removed From Las Vegas Rally

Donald Trump’s rally in Las Vegas on the eve of the next GOP debate turned chaotic on Monday as protesters shouted slogans and audience members screamed back.

Trump was interrupted several times by protesters shouting slogans supporting gun control and “Black lives matter!,” prompting a furious reaction from the crowd. Some screamed, pointed, and at one point shoved a heckler as hotel security swooped in to remove them.

The first protests began after Trump invited Jamiel Shaw, a supporter, to the stage to recount how he lost his son after an undocumented immigrant gang member shot him while walking home. One protester who shouted in response that the story showed the need for gun control was promptly removed by professionals, a scene that played out repeatedly through the night.

As one man was dragged away, people in the crowd variously yelled, “Shoot him!” “Kick his ass,” and “Light the motherfucker on fire!”

A large middle aged man shouted, “Sieg heil!” — a Nazi Germany-era salute — as the protester was taken away. The man, whose motives were not clear, was far enough from the stage that it was unlikely Trump heard the remark.

“He’s a Muslim!” another man in a glittering black suit shouted as another protester was removed. “He’s a Muslim!”

A spokeswoman for the Las Vegas Police Department told NBC News that 15 to 20 people “attempted to disrupt the event, were escorted out, trespassed off property, but no arrests were made.”



Heckler Disrupts Trump Iowa Town Hall Speech

Donald Trump at Iowa Town Hall rally

US Presidential hopeful Donald Trump has been heckled after making yet another controversial remark regarding Syrian refugees during a town hall session

The heckler was removed by security after tearing up a Trump placard. This comes as the presidential hopeful said he plans to build a very large wall on the Mexican border to deal with the influx of Syrian refugees. His controversial remarks precede multiple outbursts regarding refugees and Muslims. Trump had earlier said he would enforce a complete and total shutdown of Muslims entering the United States. The question and answer session took place in Des Moines Iowa, a key battleground state in the Republican primaries.



Protesters Disrupt Donald Trump Speech at NYC Luncheon

Hundreds of activists rallied on Thursday in front of Donald Trump’s hotel in midtown New York City to condemn the Republican 2016 presidential candidate’s call to bar Muslims temporarily from entering the United States.

Chanting “Dump Trump” and “refugees welcome,” the protesters castigated Trump’s comments.

“We are not asking for any favors,” Linda Sarsour of the Arab American Association of New York told the crowd. “We are asking for the basic respect and dignity that we all deserve here in the United States of America.”

Four protesters chanting “Trump is trying to bring us down, targeting people black and brown,” tried to storm a side entrance into the speech at Manhattan’s The Plaza Hotel as security staff pushed them away.

The protesters were affiliated with various Arab-American and Muslim-American groups, as well as groups for racial equality.

One of those protesters, Jorge Gonzalez, fell down a flight of stairs after a hotel security worker pushed him. He said he was uninjured. Another was thrown to the ground in the hotel lobby.

Two reporters from The Associated Press, Jake Pearson and Warren Levinson, were also forcibly removed from the lobby by hotel security. The event, sponsored by the Commonwealth Club, a Pennsylvania Republican group, was closed to the press.

Later in Trump’s speech, about nine other protesters from various advocacy groups stood up to denounce his recent comments to temporarily bar Muslims from entering the U.S., protesters said.

“I’m really frightened by that kind of rhetoric,” said Martha Acklesberg, 69, a member of the group Jews for Racial and Economic Justice, who along with Judith Plaskow, 68, paid to hear Trump speech and then disrupted it in protest.

Trump, said Acklesberg, briefly stopped his speech during their protests and quipped, “when you’re the front runner you get a lot of attention.”

(h/t Associated Press, Reuters)


Violence has no place in our political process and should be condemned from all sides.

Donald Trump says a lot of divisive and hateful statements, escalation of tensions may only seem natural. However as a protester, engaging in violence only plays into the hands of Donald Trump and his supporters. It gives them justification for their false sense of being victimized and allows them to paint the opposition as “thugs” and side-step our real and valid arguments.


Trump Gets Heckled Ten Separate Times During North Carolina Rally

Protesters disrupt Trump rally in Raleigh

Donald Trump has been heckled at rallies before, but this time, in less than an hour, Trump was heckled at least five separate times. A few of those protesters could be heard chanting “Black Lives Matter!” In every instance, the crowd booed and/or drowned them out with chants of “USA! USA!” After one of the hecklers was escorted out, Trump railed against what he expected the media coverage would be, saying the press always exaggerates people disrupting his rallies But as CNN’s Noah Gray reported tonight, there were potentially up to 10 separate incidents.


Violence at Trump rallies by supporters is the norm.



Trump Condones Roughing Up Protester

Trump supporters beat Black Lives Matter protester

Trump instructed security to eject a Black Lives Matter protester from a campaign event in Birmingham, Alabama.

“Get him the hell out of here, will you please?” Trump asked. “Get him out of here. Throw him out!”

The protester was shoved by the police out of the venue and heckled by Trump supporters, who shouted, “Get the fuck out of here, man,” and “Tase him!”

Following the altercation, Trump went on Fox News and said:

Maybe [the protester] should have been roughed up, because it was absolutely disgusting what he was doing.

(h/t CNN)


Comments like these add to the growing evidence that Donald Trump supports and condones violence against people with different ideas.


Donald Trump Tells Black Lives Matter Protester To Get The Hell Out

Trump yells "Get the hell out" to protester

At a campaign rally in Birmingham, AL, Donald Trump was interrupted by a Black Lives Matter protester. Trump then told event security to ‘get him the hell out of here’ and then related to an incident earlier this week involving an obese man who heckled Trump at a Massachusetts rally.



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