Panicked Trump retweets claim farmers love him and Democrats are to blame for auto industry job losses

President Donald Trump seemed panicky Sunday night, searching for validation that everything is going well in his country despite reports to the contrary.
The president retweeted the chair of the Republican Party, who posted a video showing an Iowa farmer who loves Trump. The move comes after Trump’s Secretary of Agriculture got an ear full from farmers about not doing “great” under this presidency.
“We are not starting to do great again,” said Brian Thalmann, who serves as the president of the Minnesota Corn Growers Association. “We are starting to go down very quickly.”
Second, the president tweeted that a Joe Biden presidency would kill the fossil fuel industry and the auto industry along with it. Unfortunately for the GOP, the auto industry is already making a move to more fuel-efficient vehicles and autonomous cars. One plant that Trump promised to save in 2017 just closed in an Ohio townthat isn’t far from Michigan.
“He came to our community and said: ‘Don’t sell your house. These jobs are coming back,’” said David Green, president of United Auto Workers Local 1112. “We’ve seen nothing but job losses around here.”
Trump went on to retweet claims the economy is strong and everything in the United States is going extremely well.