Trump Accuses Cruz of Stealing Iowa Caucuses


Donald Trump on Wednesday accused Sen. Ted Cruz of stealing the Iowa caucuses, calling for either new voting there or the results to be nullified.

Cruz, the conservative senator from Texas, defeated Trump in Iowa Monday night.

“Ted Cruz didn’t win Iowa, he stole it,” Trump tweeted. “That is why all of the polls were so wrong and why he got far more votes than anticipated.”

“Based on the fraud committed by Senator Ted Cruz during the Iowa Caucus, either a new election should take place or Cruz results nullified,” Donald Trump wrote a Twitter, one of a series of Tweets attacking Cruz and questioning the outcome of the Iowa caucuses.

Trump slammed Cruz for sending out deceitful mailers that shared voter’s caucus attendance records with their neighbors and warning voters of “VOTER VIOLATION.”

(h/t CNN)


Outside of conspiracy theories from neo-nazi’s and 8chan, Cruz won Iowa.

Trump later admitted he didn’t have a good ground-game in Iowa. In fact he didn’t even know what that term was.

Trump Claims Fox News ‘Apologized’ Over Debate Statement

Trump told CNN that an unnamed Fox executive “apologized” to him for a mocking statement the network issued two days before the debate. Speaking to a small group of reporters aboard his private plane Thursday evening before his counter-debate event to raise money for wounded veterans he said:

“I got an apology, it was very nice, and I appreciated it. And that’s why I was so open to doing something, but by that time it was just too late.”

Trump said Fox “could not have been nicer” as it tried to woo him back into attending the debate. But he stuck to his plan of holding a competing event aimed at raising funds for veterans’ organizations.

Later Trump told CNN’s Brianna Keilar in an interview aboard Trump’s private plane:

“I was treated very unfairly by Fox. Since then they’ve been excellent, they’ve been very nice, but it’s too late.”


Fox heard Trump’s remarks and fired back in a statement. The network suggested that it didn’t apologize outright — instead it, “acknowledged his concerns about a satirical observation we made in order to quell the attacks on Megyn Kelly, and prevent her from being smeared any further.”

Trump would not say who from Fox News called to apologize for the network’s behavior.

(h/t CNN, Time)

Trump Claims He Never Asked Megyn Kelly Removed As Moderator

If you read the news, Donald Trump’s boycott of the Fox News/Google debate is the result of his ongoing war with anchor Megyn Kelly.

Trump, however, says that’s not true. He says a biting Fox News release is why he pulled the plug.

“Well, I’m not a person that respects Megyn Kelly very much. I think she’s highly overrated. Other than that, I don’t care,” he told CNN an hour before the debate. “I never once asked that she be removed. I don’t care about her being removed. What I didn’t like was that public relations statement where they were sort of taunting. I didn’t think it was appropriate. I didn’t think it was nice.”

(h/t Politifact)


Donald Trump many times publicly demanded removal of Megyn Kelly as a moderator as a condition to attend the Fox News debate in Iowa.


Full video:



Trump Promotes Fake Fox News Theory With Fake Photo


Real-estate mogul Donald Trump promoted a fake photo and a conspiracy theory in the middle of his Thursday-morning tweetstorm blasting Fox News and one of the network’s anchors, Megyn Kelly.

Trump tweeted someone’s photo that supposedly shows Saudi billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, Alwaleed’s sister, and Kelly.

The text on the image stated:

“Most people don’t know that the co-owner of Fox News is Prince Al-Waleed of Saudi Arabia here with his sister and with host Mygan [sic] Kelly. In case you only watch Fox News and you missed it everywhere else. GOOGLE IT!”

(h/t Business Insider)


We Googled the claim… which yielded multiple fact-checking websites declaring that it was mostly false. reported that the photo was a fabrication and found the original photo of Kelly.

Both and PolitiFact reported that the ownership claim wasn’t true, but the billionaire Saudi prince’s investment company owns a smaller amount of 21st Century Fox.

Trump Flip-Flops on Calling Megyn Kelly a Bimbo


A single day after he had said he wouldn’t refer to Kelly as a “bimbo,” a term used to insult women, because doing so would “not be politically correct” Donald Trump tweeted the following:


Megyn Kelly is many things, “journalist”, political hack, cover-girl, but as critical we are of her a bimbo she is not. As a lawyer she’s argued cases in front of the United States Court of Appeals, wrote articles for the American Bar Association‘s journal, and (when convenient for her) knows her way around the Constitution.

Usually politicians have some time between they flip-flop to afford them a bit of a buffer. Apparently Trump couldn’t go 24 hours without reverting to his sexist ways.

Also… this.


Trump Tweets Megyn Kelly Should Not Moderate Debates


Donald Trump voiced his disapproval of Megyn Kelly as a moderator of the Fox News/Google debate a few days before the event on Twitter. Trump made similar comments in a campaign rally in Iowa the same day.

Based on @MegynKelly’s conflict of interest and bias she should not be allowed to be a moderator of the next debate.

(h/t Politifact)


Trump has had an issue with Kelly since she moderated a Republican presidential debate in August. He accused her of being unfairly harsh on him by asking him valid questions about past sexist and misogynist comments.

Fox responded, “Megyn Kelly has no conflict of interest. Donald Trump is just trying to build up the audience for Thursday’s debate, for which we thank him.”

Trump repeated his position that Kelly “should recuse herself from the upcoming Fox News debate,” according to Boston Globe reporter James Pindell.

Two Corinthians, That’s the Whole Ballgame

Speaking at the evangelical college Liberty University, Trump mispronounced a book of the Bible. He cursed — twice. And on Martin Luther King Day, the GOP presidential candidate said he was honoring the slain civil-rights leader by dedicating to him the record crowds he says he drew for the school’s opening convocation where the students are required to attend.

“Two Corinthians 3:17, that’s the whole ballgame. … Is that the one you like?” Trump asked. “Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”





Trump Releases Questionable Medical Report

Donald J. Trump has released a letter from his personal physician attesting that his health is “extraordinary.”

The letter, gushing in tone and signed by Dr. Harold N. Bornstein of Lenox Hill Hospital in Manhattan, was four paragraphs long and provided few specific laboratory test results. The letter made a sweeping declaration in a tone oddly similar to how Mr. Trump talks about himself.

“If elected, Mr. Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency,” Dr. Bornstein wrote in the final paragraph of the letter, which was dated Dec. 4 but not released until Monday.


The note also came 11 days after Mr. Trump, 69 and a leading candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, vowed on Twitter to release a “full medical report” about his physical health and fitness to serve as president, which he said would “show perfection.” His pledge came after a Politico report pointed out his penchant for fatty foods, his lack of routine workouts and, until now, his refusal to release a medical report.

In releasing the letter, Mr. Trump erred by attributing the medical report to his current physician’s father, Dr. Jacob Bornstein. “I am proud to share this health report, written by the highly respected Dr. Jacob Bornstein of Lenox Hill Hospital.”

The note begins as an open letter, “To Whom My Concern,” apparently meaning, “To whom it may concern.” The email from Mr. Trump that contained the note said it was from his doctor, Jacob. According to an obituary, Jacob Bornstein died in 2010; the note lists Jacob Bornstein as Mr. Trump’s previous physician.

Dr. Harold Bornstein said in his letter that he had taken over his father’s practice and had cared for Mr. Trump since 1980. “Over the past 39 years, I am pleased to report that Mr. Trump had no significant medical problems,” giving a duration that suggested he had been caring for him since 1976.

Mr. Trump was a patient of the senior Dr. Bornstein. Presumably, the son had access to his father’s records to account for the four-year difference in time. It is an unusual instance in which a politician’s health has been attested to by a single physician group over such a long period of time.

A “recent complete medical examination” of Mr. Trump “showed only positive results,” the letter said. It gave few specifics about that examination but contained a number of flamboyant descriptions. For example, Dr. Bornstein said Mr. Trump’s blood pressure, 110/65, and laboratory test results were “astonishingly excellent.” Presumably, the normal blood pressure reading was without benefit of any medication to lower a higher blood pressure.

Mr. Trump has lost “at least 15 pounds” in the past 12 months. But his exact weight before and after the loss was not stated. Reporters who have covered Mr. Trump’s campaign said their impression was that he had gained weight over recent months.

Mr. Trump takes a low-dose aspirin (81 milligrams, or baby aspirin) daily as well as a statin to lower his high cholesterol, the report said. The letter did not state the levels of Mr. Trump’s cholesterol and other lipids before and after the statin therapy. Aspirin and the statin were the only drugs Dr. Bornstein said Mr. Trump was taking.

The letter said Mr. Trump did not use tobacco or alcohol products and had no history of cancer or bone or joint surgery. His only reported surgical operation was an appendectomy at age 10.

Reporters have asked Mr. Trump about his military draft status. He said he had received medical deferments from the Vietnam War because of a bone spur in his foot. When asked about it over the summer, Mr. Trump said he could not recall which foot was afflicted. Reporters who have covered Mr. Trump in recent months said they have not noticed him wincing or limping while walking.

A low prostate-specific antigen, or PSA, level of 0.15 was one of the few specific test results stated by Dr. Bornstein. The fact that the physician said Mr. Trump “has suffered no form of cancer” would exclude removal or destruction of prostate tissue as a reason for such a low PSA level. Dr. Bornstein did not indicate when the test was performed or whether it had been repeated.

For many years, doctors checked the PSA level to detect prostate cancer. But recently, some groups have recommended against routine testing, saying the choice should be discussed between patient and doctor.

Dr. Bornstein made no mention of whether Mr. Trump received a flu shot annually or whether he has received standard immunizations like those against tetanus and pneumonia.

The physician’s letter also gave a subjective appraisal of Mr. Trump’s physical strength and stamina, which were said to be “extraordinary,” but the report did not include any objective measurements to support this.

In a cover letter to Dr. Bornstein’s letter, Mr. Trump said: “I am fortunate to have been blessed with great genes — both of my parents had very long and productive lives.” He did not say his father, Fred, developed Alzheimer’s disease beginning in his late 80s. The genetics of most forms of Alzheimer’s and dementia are not known with certainty. Doctors and patients consider it prudent to be aware of such a risk and to be checked if specific signs become apparent.

The objective measures that Dr. Bornstein used in saying Mr. Trump, if elected, would be the healthiest president were unclear.

While physicians are supposed to be advocates for their patients, a number of ethicists and historians have cautioned them not to become boosters or to distort or mislead the public when discussing the medical history of a patient who is politically active.

Physicians who have served in the White House and candidates’ personal physicians have lied or distorted their patients’ medical history in the past, including the doctors of Franklin D. Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy. In interviews, recent White House physicians said they would not risk jeopardizing their reputations to hide any serious ailment affecting a president in their care.

The note from Dr. Bornstein praised Mr. Trump’s “physical strength and stamina.” Those are the specific words that Mr. Trump has used to tar Hillary Clinton, who is leading in polls for the Democratic presidential nomination. Mrs. Clinton months ago released a lengthy doctor’s note that included information about her concussion in December 2012 and her recovery.

(h/t New York Times, The Washington Post)


When the letter was first released to the public it gained a few laughes in the media and on the night-time talk shows, but was quickly forgotten as attention was redirected to a Republican debate the next day

However Trump brought renewed scrutiny on himself by harping on the idea that his 68-year-old opponent, Hillary Clinton, is not physically or mentally fit to be president. He and his surrogates have sought to make health a big issue lately, claiming the Democratic nominee lacks “stamina” and looks “sick.” Trump ally Matt Drudge seems obsessed with Clinton’s medical condition these days, and others in the conservative media have made wild diagnoses ranging from Parkinson’s disease to radiation poisoning.

It was inevitable then that journalists would return to questions about Trump’s own constitution.

CNN medical correspondent Sanjay Gupta reported that Bornstein exaggerated his qualifications when signing the letter as a fellow of the American College of Gastroenterology and a member of the gastroenterology department at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York. In fact, Bornstein has not been an ACG fellow since 1995 and, though he does have admitting privileges at Lenox Hill, he is not on staff there.

Gupta’s report included some of the same observations chronicled last week in a blog post by Jen Gunter, a San Francisco doctor, whose piece was picked up by The Washington Post’s Fact Checker, among others. Gupta appeared on various CNN programs Tuesday, revisiting various holes in the letter that were covered last year — the lack of evidence to support claims about Trump’s good health and the unprofessional writing style, most notably.

Also, the New York Times ran a front-page report that noted the letter from Trump’s physician “contained no details about his heart rate, respiratory rate, cholesterol level, past medications or family medical history.

“The doctor, Harold N. Bornstein of Manhattan, concluded that Mr. Trump, if victorious, ‘will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency’ — a claim that was widely mocked as unprovable and unscientific,” the Times added.


Donald Trump Tweets the UK is Hiding a Muslim Problem

In a tweet, Donald Trump claimed, “The United Kingdom is trying hard to disguise their massive Muslim problem.”


This is just insane and bigoted to claim an entire religion is a problem and the facts show that in the UK situation is quite the opposite. Between 2011 and 2014 there were 746 terrorist attacks and only 8 were religiously inspired. (

While violence against Muslims is on the rise. (


Hate Crimes Against Muslims in the U.K. on the Rise

Trump Gets Love From Most Hated Woman in the UK

Katie Hopkins and Trump

Donald Trump has praised Katie Hopkins, the Ann Coulter of the UK, after she backed his claims that parts of London have become so radicalized people were scared to go there.


Mr Trump received condemnation from the Mayor of London Boris Johnson after he claimed police officers are “afraid for their lives” due to areas of “radicalization” in the capital.
The Metropolitan Police then made a rare intervention, telling the Republican frontrunner he “could not be more wrong”. Despite this, Hopkins, who writes for the Mail Online – the largest English language news website in the world –  claimed in her column “there is fear among the police and the public”. Lauding Mr Trump for “speaking for millions of Americans” she claims Britain is, in part, “a radicalised nation and it does nobody any favours to deny the obvious”.

However the best response came to people who walked around at night and recorded themlselves getting totally not being jihaded.


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