Trump Plans on Banning All Muslims from Entering the United States

In a press release by Donald Trump’s campaign and reiterated in almost every Republican debate:

Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.

Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life.


While Korematsu v. United States has never been challenged and could be a slim avenue for implementation, most legal scholars would deem this bigoted plan unconstitutional. Trump’s proposal would violate the First Amendment’s Religion Clauses, the equality dimension of the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment, and the Constitution’s general prohibition on religious tests outside of the immigration context as it would also conflict with the spirit of the No Religious Test Clause of Article VI.


Trump Supporter Drags Latino Protestor Out Of Rally

Ariel Rojas wasn’t the only protester inside Donald Trump’s campaign event at Trump National Miami Doral Resort on Friday. At least three separate groups could be heard interrupting Trump and chanting pro-immigration messages.

Rojas’ group, comprised of eight Florida International University students, each holding up one letter, spelling out the word E-Q-U-A-L-I-T-Y.

Rojas, a senior at FIU, was holding up the letter Q before, he said, the Trump supporters standing in front of him turned around, grabbed their signs, and tore them to pieces.

“There were some choice moments of irony,’ said Rojas, whose friend reported seeing a Trump supporter whacking a protester with a sign that read “The Silent Majority Supports Trump.”

A man can be seen dragging Rojas by the collar of his shirt before falling to the ground. While on the ground Rojas gets kicked by the man who was dragging him.

According to the campaign, the man who dragged Rojas is not a Trump campaign staffer or an employee of the Trump Resort, he was “merely an attendee” at the rally.

Once outside the event, Rojas and his fellow protesters were escorted off the premises by police.

(h/t NBC)


Sanctioned violence against protesters by supporters is a common occurrence at Trump events.



Trump Calls Supporters Who Beat Latino Man “Passionate”

“Donald Trump was right,” the two men said, according to police, as they beat the man with a metal pipe and then urinated on him. “All these illegals need to be deported.”

When asked at a press conference earlier this week, Trump said that while he hadn’t heard about the Boston incident, it would “be a shame.” But he didn’t stop there, as he quickly went to applaud those who echo his views.

“I will say, the people that are following me are very passionate,” Trump said. “They love this country, they want this country to be great again.”

Trump later tweeted that the incident was “terrible” and in subsequent interviews claimed he “would never condone violence.”


Trump would never condoned violence?

This is just a few examples. We have an entire list.


Note: Personally I don’t quite care for The Young Turks program, they’re so partisan, but it is the only video I could find with the quote from Trump.


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