As he often does at rallies, Trump asked the crowd what should happen to Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who abandoned his post in Afghanistan in 2009, was held hostage and then rescued. Trump called Bergdahl “a dirty, rotten traitor.”
“What do we do with Sgt. Bergdahl, 50 years ago?” Trump asked, calling on an older man sitting near the front who stood and shaped his hand like a gun. “That’s right. Boom. Boom!… Boom, he’s gone. He’s gone!”
While the case is very complex it is unpresidential to dumb it down to , “man deserted, me execute.” For example Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was suffering from a mental illness and the military was already well aware of his condition when they deployed him.
Sgt. Bergdahl expected to face court-martial at Ft. Bragg, N.C., in August.
During a speech at Decker Auditorium in Fort Dodge, Iowa, Trump said he would go after ISIS-controlled oil fields and “bomb the shit out of ’em,” to loud applause.
ISIS is making a tremendous amount of money because they have certain oil camps, certain areas of oil that they took away. They have some in Syria, some in Iraq. I would bomb the shit out of ’em. I would just bomb those suckers. That’s right. I’d blow up the pipes. … I’d blow up every single inch. There would be nothing left. And you know what, you’ll get Exxon to come in there and in two months, you ever see these guys, how good they are, the great oil companies? They’ll rebuild that sucker, brand new — it’ll be beautiful.
To think that Presidents do not swear you would be [expletive deleted]-ing crazy, but they have a good sense to not do it in public.
Dumbing a complex situation like ISIS down into a simple catchphrase may play well to a riled up crowd, but we will never know how effective it will be until Trump becomes President and can take action. Except the military already analyzed his plan and found it to be [expletive deleted]. Whoops!
Donald Trump defended his vision for immigration policy at the November 10th GOP debate in Milwaukee, Wisconsin by alluding to a plan implemented by President Dwight Eisenhower’s that supposedly deported more than a million illegal immigrants during the 1950s.
Let me just tell you that Dwight Eisenhower, good president, great president, people liked him. Moved a 1.5 million illegal immigrants out of this country, moved them just beyond the border. They came back. Moved them again beyond the border, they came back. Didn’t like it. Moved them way south. They never came back.
Trump did not mention the disparaging name of the program, which was called “Operation Wetback.” Under the program, the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service removed undocumented Mexican immigrants from the Southwest and sent them back to Mexico.
The operation began in Texas in 1954 and was a “quasi-military operation of search and seizure of all unauthorized immigrants,” according to the Texas State Historical Association. The association, however, says it’s difficult to estimate how many people were actually forced to leave the country under the operation.
At the time, the government said it had deported as many as 1.3 million illegal immigrants, but analysts have said this number is exaggerated and some have said the total number of people deported was a gradual result of other programs.
It is believed, however, that Eisenhower’s operation was the opposite of humane. A story in the Washington Post says that Mexicans were dumped in hot, obscure destinations in Mexico “with few possessions and no way of getting home,” in order to discourage them from returning to the U.S.
As we pointed out in our policy review of Trump’s Immigration Reform, mass deportations would involve rounding up every undocumented person and forcibly removing them from the country. What Trump is advocating here, the forced removal of a portion of a population with the same national heritage from an area, already has a name, it’s called “ethnic cleansing” and it is not seen as a positive and moral thing. On top of the horrific crimes against humanity being proposed, what Trump also fails to mention here is the cost. Immigration and Customs Enforcement told lawmakers that it costs about $12,500 to deport one immigrant from the United States. Multiply that by 11.3 million, and you get $141.3 billion. Not great for the deficit, smaller government, or freedoms.
Donald Trump believes the world would be much better off if ruthless dictators like Saddam Hussein and Moammar Gadhafi were still in power.
“100%,” Trump replied when asked that question in an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper that aired Sunday on “State of the Union.”
Trump said he believes Iraq and Libya, the respective countries of the since-deceased dictators, would be less fractured and promote a more stable Middle East if the two had not been forcefully pushed out of power. Hussein fell from power following the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003 and Gadhafi was ousted following violent civil strife in 2011 that ultimately drew a NATO-led military intervention.
“I mean, look at Libya. Look at Iraq. Iraq used to be no terrorists. He (Hussein) would kill the terrorists immediately, which is like now it’s the Harvard of terrorism,” Trump said. “If you look at Iraq from years ago, I’m not saying he was a nice guy, he was a horrible guy, but it was a lot better than it is right now. Right now, Iraq is a training ground for terrorists. Right now Libya, nobody even knows Libya, frankly there is no Iraq and there is no Libya. It’s all broken up. They have no control. Nobody knows what’s going on.”
Both Gadhafi and Hussein committed atrocities against their own people and were among the world’s worst human rights abusers. NATO decided to intervene in Libya as Gadhafi appeared poised to commit a genocidal-like massacre.
But Trump said human rights abuses continue to plague Libya and Iraq and claimed, “They’re worse than they ever were.”
“People are getting their heads chopped off, they’re being drowned. Right now, they are far worse than they were, ever, under Saddam Hussein or Gadhafi,” he said.
What Trump is praising Saddam Hussein and Moammar Gadhafi for here isn’t justice against the evil terrorists. Saddam Hussein used this tactic of labeling political dissenters and ethnic minorities as “terrorists” and disappearing them, many times without trial. This is a violation of human rights, crimes against humanity, and murder. Hussein’s atrocities are all documented at organizations like Human Rights Watch.
So this is what Trump is praising when comparing Hussein against our “weak” justice system. And if applied in the United States it would be a clear violation of the 5th and 14th amendments of the Constitution should it be applied here in the United States.
A series of protests interrupted Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s Miami campaign speech.
The pro-immigration demonstrators stopped Trump three times, before being shouted down by Trump supporters and removed from the facility.
“You can get them out, just don’t hurt them,” Trump advised to building security at Trump National Doral Miami, a resort the candidate owns.
He insisted the interruptions didn’t bother him, saying that “that’s what freedom of speech is about.”
“Isn’t this more fun than having like a normal deal?” the billionaire told his supporters. “This is more fun, right?”
But after several interruptions, he became peeved, noting that he had been polite to the first two disruptors.
See the first group, I was nice. Oh, take your time. The second group, I was pretty nice. The third group, I’ll be a little more violent, and the fourth group, I’ll say, ‘Get the hell out of here!’
Threats are not protected free speech by the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.
Comments like these add to the growing evidence that Donald Trump supports and condones violence against people with different ideas.
Donald Trump on Wednesday addressed a crowd of nearly 5,000 energized supporters in Richmond, delivering his standard stump speech and taking shots at Democrats who debated for the first time just the night before.
But not long into his speech, nearly 20 protesters unfurled a banner that read “No human life is illegal” and began shouting “Dump Trump” as the Republican front-runner tried to press on with his speech.
After more than 10 minutes of heckling, the protesters were escorted out by a combination of Trump campaign and event staff, as well as several police officers. At least one female protester was physically forced out of the event hall by a police officer after she got into a physical altercation with another woman at the event. An African-American woman shouted, “Black power” as she was forced out of the rally.
The protesters started shouting and heckling Trump just as he began talking about his plan to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico, which at first drew massive applause from the crowd of supporters. Trump supporters quickly began cheering to drown out the protesters.
Police escorted out a man who claimed he was trying to ask Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump a question during a political summit in New Hampshire Monday.
The incident, which took place as Trump was answering questions at the No Labels “Problem Solver Convention” in Manchester, wasn’t the first time Bostonian Rod Webber has tried to ask a GOP presidential candidate a question this year. In this election cycle, he has approached Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (S.C.), Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee and former Florida governor Jeb Bush.
At an event in New Hampshire this summer, the activist asked Bush, “What are you going to do to make the world more peaceful?”
“Pray a lot,” the former Florida governor replied.
At another event, Bush referred to Webber as “my friend, Rod,” and invited him up to the stage to pray with him.
A group of students at Iowa State called Students Against Bigotry staged a protest in the parking lot of the campus’ Jack Trice Stadium. They were confronted by a group of Trump supporters who hurled racial epithets and insults, and one woman reached out and tore a student’s signs to pieces.
A top security guard for Donald Trump smacked a protester in the face after the man chased him for snatching a banner Thursday, video shows.
The guard grabbed the blue sign that said “Trump: Make America Racist Again” — a play on the billionaire’s campaign motto — outside a press conference on the Donald’s new pledge of loyalty to the Republican Party, NY1 Noticias video shows.
Demonstrator Efrain Galicia ran after Schiller and appeared to reach for the banner and grab the guard from behind. Within seconds, the guard turned around and whacked him in the face with an open hand as a scrum of reporters snapped photos.
Galicia stumbled as another guard tried to restrain him, appearing to briefly put him in a stranglehold. Galicia fought back, grabbing at the second guard’s arms before the two yelled at each other outside Trump Tower.
A source familiar with the Trump campaign identified the first guard as Keith Schiller, Trump’s director of security and longtime bodyguard.
After the 10-second tussle, Galicia told reporters the guards are “just acting like their boss.”
“This man thinks he can do whatever he wants in this country, and we’re going to stop him,” Galicia said in Spanish.
An attorney for Galicia said he is exploring all “legal remedies that may be available” as Schiller appeared to “attempt to suppress free speech and the growing public criticism of the Trump campaign.”
“The video in a sense speaks for itself,” Benjamin Dictor told the Daily News Friday. “The actions were just exceedingly aggressive especially given the fact that demonstrators were on a public sidewalk speaking out about issues of public concern.”
On 8/21/2018 a New York State judge has shot down an effort by President Donald Trump to dismiss a lawsuit against his private security guards for allegedly roughing up demonstrators who were protesting outside of Trump Tower months after he announced his presidential run.
The New York Law Journal reports that Bronx Supreme Court Justice Fernando Tapia on Tuesday declined to dismiss the suit filed by protesters who claim they were roughed up by the president’s security team back in 2015.
Specifically, Tapia said that Trump himself “authorized and condoned” his security guards to rough up the protesters, and he specifically cited the president’s statement that “maybe they deserved to be roughed up” on the grounds that “it was absolutely disgusting” what the protesters were doing.
The lawsuit was filed by five Latino activists who claim that they were roughed up by longtime Trump bodyguard Keith Schiller and two other men who were employed as part of the then-candidate’s security personnel.