Trump Ask If Barking Dog In Audience Is Hillary

An audience member at a Donald Trump rally on Monday jokingly compared the sound of a barking dog to Hillary Clinton — and Trump played along.

TRUMP: What was that — was that a dog?

 SUPPORTER: Hillary!


TRUMP: Uh oh, It’s Hillary!


TRUMP: Ahhh. Only in New Hampshire. First it was a screechy dog, then it was a very serious dog. Anyway, that’s alright. Take good care of your dog.



Trump Ejects Muslim Couple In Silent Protest

Silent protest by Muslim couple at Trump rally

A Muslim woman wearing a hijab was escorted out of Donald Trump’s campaign event on Friday by police after she stood up in silent protest during Trump’s speech.

Rose Hamid, a 56-year-old flight attendant sitting in the stands directly behind Trump, stood up Friday during Trump’s speech when the Republican front-runner suggested that Syrian refugees fleeing war in Syria were affiliated with ISIS.

Trump has previously called for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the U.S.

Despite her silence, Trump supporters around her began chanting Trump’s name — as instructed by Trump campaign staff before the event in case of protests — and pointed at Hamid and Marty Rosenbluth, the man alongside her who stood up as well.

As they were escorted out, Trump supporters roared — booing the pair and shouting at them to “get out.” One person shouted, “You have a bomb, you have a bomb,” according to Hamid.

“The ugliness really came out fast and that’s really scary,” Hamid told CNN in a phone interview after she was ejected.

(h/t CNN)


That was one of the most bravest things I have ever seen. You cannot disagree that, even though it was a silent and peaceful protest, as a Muslim woman in that environment comes with a large amount of risk.


Trump States Hillary Got Schlonged by Obama in 2008

Donald Trump attacked Hillary Clinton in vulgar terms Monday night, saying that her bathroom break during the last Democratic debate was just too “disgusting” to talk about and then stating she “got schlonged” by Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential race.

Even a race to Obama, she was gonna beat Obama. I don’t know who would be worse, I don’t know, how could it be worse? But she was going to beat — she was favored to win — and she got schlonged, she lost, I mean she lost.

When confronted by a backlash, The Donald doubled-down and mansplained how suggesting Clinton got fucked is not vulgar.


Schlonged means penis in Yiddish.


Trump Audience Member Yells Nazi Salute as Protester Removed From Las Vegas Rally

Donald Trump’s rally in Las Vegas on the eve of the next GOP debate turned chaotic on Monday as protesters shouted slogans and audience members screamed back.

Trump was interrupted several times by protesters shouting slogans supporting gun control and “Black lives matter!,” prompting a furious reaction from the crowd. Some screamed, pointed, and at one point shoved a heckler as hotel security swooped in to remove them.

The first protests began after Trump invited Jamiel Shaw, a supporter, to the stage to recount how he lost his son after an undocumented immigrant gang member shot him while walking home. One protester who shouted in response that the story showed the need for gun control was promptly removed by professionals, a scene that played out repeatedly through the night.

As one man was dragged away, people in the crowd variously yelled, “Shoot him!” “Kick his ass,” and “Light the motherfucker on fire!”

A large middle aged man shouted, “Sieg heil!” — a Nazi Germany-era salute — as the protester was taken away. The man, whose motives were not clear, was far enough from the stage that it was unlikely Trump heard the remark.

“He’s a Muslim!” another man in a glittering black suit shouted as another protester was removed. “He’s a Muslim!”

A spokeswoman for the Las Vegas Police Department told NBC News that 15 to 20 people “attempted to disrupt the event, were escorted out, trespassed off property, but no arrests were made.”



Heckler Disrupts Trump Iowa Town Hall Speech

Donald Trump at Iowa Town Hall rally

US Presidential hopeful Donald Trump has been heckled after making yet another controversial remark regarding Syrian refugees during a town hall session

The heckler was removed by security after tearing up a Trump placard. This comes as the presidential hopeful said he plans to build a very large wall on the Mexican border to deal with the influx of Syrian refugees. His controversial remarks precede multiple outbursts regarding refugees and Muslims. Trump had earlier said he would enforce a complete and total shutdown of Muslims entering the United States. The question and answer session took place in Des Moines Iowa, a key battleground state in the Republican primaries.



Donald Trump Tweets the UK is Hiding a Muslim Problem

In a tweet, Donald Trump claimed, “The United Kingdom is trying hard to disguise their massive Muslim problem.”


This is just insane and bigoted to claim an entire religion is a problem and the facts show that in the UK situation is quite the opposite. Between 2011 and 2014 there were 746 terrorist attacks and only 8 were religiously inspired. (

While violence against Muslims is on the rise. (


Hate Crimes Against Muslims in the U.K. on the Rise

Trump Gets Love From Most Hated Woman in the UK

Katie Hopkins and Trump

Donald Trump has praised Katie Hopkins, the Ann Coulter of the UK, after she backed his claims that parts of London have become so radicalized people were scared to go there.


Mr Trump received condemnation from the Mayor of London Boris Johnson after he claimed police officers are “afraid for their lives” due to areas of “radicalization” in the capital.
The Metropolitan Police then made a rare intervention, telling the Republican frontrunner he “could not be more wrong”. Despite this, Hopkins, who writes for the Mail Online – the largest English language news website in the world –  claimed in her column “there is fear among the police and the public”. Lauding Mr Trump for “speaking for millions of Americans” she claims Britain is, in part, “a radicalised nation and it does nobody any favours to deny the obvious”.

However the best response came to people who walked around at night and recorded themlselves getting totally not being jihaded.


KKK Leader Finds Donald Trump a Great Recruiting Tool

KKK endorses Trump

Donald Trump is inspiring white supremacists, according to a national organizer of a leading Ku Klux Klan group — and his candid rhetoric is being used to recruit more of them.

The KKK is using the Republican presidential frontrunner as an outreach tool, Rachel Pendergraft, the national membership coordinator for the Knights Party, told The Washington Post. Trump’s candidacy, which has been characterized by often divisive nativist rhetoric, has “electrified” some members, the newspaper reported Monday.

“They like the overall momentum of his rallies and his campaign,” Pendergraft said. “They like that he’s not willing to back down. He says what he believes and he stands on that.”

The KKK organizer said the group uses the headlines Trump makes to start conversations with separatists about issues that are important to the white supremacist movement. “One of the things that our organization really stresses with our membership is we want them to educate themselves on issues, but we also want them to be able to learn how to open up a conversation with other people,” Pendergraft said.


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