Protesters escorted out of Donald Trump’s rally at Radford University

At Radford University, a group of young black organizers interrupted a Trump rally. With fists raised, they chanted, “Black lives matter,” as they were quickly escorted from the premises by the police. Trump responded, “All lives matter,” a refrain often used to dismiss the specific concerns of the black community. He also asked a Latina woman who was being led out of the auditorium whether she was from Mexico.



Trump Asks Protester If He Is From Mexico

Reporters and rally attendees found themselves at the intersection of Trump’s feelings toward Mexicans and protesters when the GOP presidential candidate yelled at one from his podium, demanding to know their family’s country of origin.



Donald Trump Confronts Protester Wearing ‘KKK Endorses Trump’ Shirt

Protester wears shirt 'KKK endorses Trump'

Donald Trump paused a campaign rally Friday night in Oklahoma to stare down a protester who showed up wearing a white T-shirt stating in dark letters, “KKK endorses Trump.”

Trump walked to the edge of the podium, staring toward the man for several moments as law enforcement officials moved to escort him away from the area.

“In the good ‘ole days, law enforcement acted a lot quicker than this,” Trump said when he finally returned to the microphone.

“In the good ‘ole days, they’d rip him out of that seat so fast. But today everybody is politically correct,” Trump said. “You know, it is a shame, when you think.”



Trump Security Removed Veterans’ Group From South Carolina Event

"Mr. Trump, Veterans Are Not Props for Hate"

Ten veterans from Veterans Challenge Islamophobia unfurled a 10-foot banner during Trump’s speech in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina today. The banner read:

“Mr. Trump: Veterans are not props for hate. We stand with our Muslim sisters and brothers.”

The U.S. veterans who launched the effort have served in Afghanistan, Iraq and Vietnam. Many were also decorated for their valor. The veterans, some of whom hail from the organization Iraq Veterans Against the War, were forcibly escorted outside after Trump supporters waved signs while chanting Trump’s name. But the group’s actions will not be deterred.

Veterans Challenge Islamophobia plans to take its campaign to other primary states and will fly a similar banner in Las Vegas on Monday evening at Trump’s event there. They say they will continue until Trump and other Republican candidates cease their discriminatory attacks on Muslims.

“Mr. Trump’s hateful rhetoric insults both my Islamic faith and my military service. As a U.S. Marine who served in Iraq, I find it shameful that a major presidential candidate would impugn my patriotism, or that of other Muslims, because of our faith,” said Ramon Mejia, who served with the U.S. Marines in Iraq (2001-04).

“As an Army veteran, I deeply resent being used as a prop for intolerance by Mr. Trump. I enlisted in order to serve everyone in my country, including my Muslim sisters and brothers, and to protect constitutional freedoms like religious liberty,” said Maggie Martin, who served three tours in Iraq and Kuwait with the U.S. Army (2001-06).

“As a medic in Afghanistan, I worked closely with Muslim interpreters who risked their lives to support our mission. I’m disgusted when I see candidates like Mr. Trump — who never served in the military — try to demonize Muslims for his own political gain. We need to make it very clear: Islam is not a national security threat,” said Perry O’Brien, who served with the 82nd Airborne in Afghanistan (2001-04).

During his speech, Donald Trump did not respond directly to the protesters, but did make note of people who challenge him as security folded up the group’s banner.

“We’re going to make the wall 10 feet taller,” Trump said. “And every time they protest, it’s going to go up a little bit higher.”

(h/t Alternet)


Donald Trump has made many comments discriminating Muslims. Let’s let Veterans For Peace explain why that is bad:

Bigotry and racism violate all of the values we believed we were defending during our military service. The ideals contained in the Constitution, to the degree they have been manifested in America, have been a beacon to much of the world because of the diversity, openness, and respect for people of all faiths that most Americans live by. It will be a great calamity if we let fear give rise to hatred.

Fear-mongering endangers our national security and gives rise to hatred and racism that play into the hands of an enemy that wants to convince Muslims around the world that the West, led by the U.S., hates them, and that joining ISIL or similar organizations is the only way to truly observe and defend their religion. We can never defend ourselves effectively by playing into our adversary’s strategy, giving credibility to their recruitment propaganda. We endanger ourselves whenever we make that mistake.



San Francisco Chronicle

Veterans For Peace

Donald Trump Mocks Hillary Clinton for Barking Like Dog

Donald Trump mocked Hillary Clinton on Tuesday for barking like a dog, branding the former secretary of state a ‘joke’, and vowed he would never do so because he said he would be pilloried in the media.

“If I ever did that, I would be ridiculed all over the place. I won’t do it. I’m not going to imitate her,” Trump said during a rally in North Augusta, South Carolina. “She’s barking like a dog, and they’re saying ‘wonderful.'”



Donald Trump Retweets ‘WhiteGenocideTM’ Account—Again


For the second time in 2016, Donald Trump reposted a message Wednesday night from a Twitter user who goes by the handle @WhiteGenocideTM.

The Republican presidential candidate retweeted and then deleted a post from @WhiteGenocideTM complimenting his crowds, but MSNBC saved a screenshot of the exchange:

Tweet from @WhiteGenocieTM "@realDonaldTrump You always have the best crowds. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain"

Trump was widely criticized after reposting a meme by the same neo-Nazi user in January, which featured a photoshopped image of an apparently homeless Jeb Bush standing outside Trump Tower with a sign reading “Vote Trump.”

The account leaves no doubt about the Twitter user’s white supremacist sympathies. The user’s location is listed as “Jewmerica” and the bio reads “Jewish nationalist/supremacist!” The name: “Donald Trumpovitz.” The account’s feed features dozens of racist memes, posts arguing against miscegenation and pro-Trump messages.

The GOP candidate, who has received vocal support from white nationalist groups, has used retweeting as a way of distancing himself from the extreme views embraced by some of his supporters. After sharing a meme that incorrectly claimed that black Americans commit the majority of murders against white victims, he explained his action to Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly by saying, “All it was is a retweet. It wasn’t from me.”

(h/t Talking Points Memo)


Donald Trump retweeted an account named “White Genocide” on two separate occasions. Let that sink in for a moment.

This isn’t the first time Donald Trump went to Twitter to promote racism.

Trump Heckles Latino Protester

A group of immigration hecklers took on presidential candidate Donald Trump during a campaign event in New Hampshire.

Trump was taking questions at the historic Exeter Town Hall building in Exeter, where his supporters were packed in like sardines. Also in the mosh pit, it turned out, were a few opponents of the candidates’ position on immigration.

One young woman began asking the Republican candidate for president a question by identifying herself as being from Southern California.

“What are you doing here?” Trump asked. “Are you a liberal Democrat, by any chance?”

After the woman mentioned that immigrants “do the work that nobody else wants to do and for a lot less,” the real estate tycoon asked, “Who told you to be here? Bernie [Sanders]?”

“This is a Bernie plant,” Trump said, referring to Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. “This is a Bernie plant.”

Another audience member then yelled out that immigrants living in the country illegally are the “backbone of this country.” In response Trump heckled back:

Illegal immigrants are the backbone of our country? I don’t think so, darling. You know what the backbone of our country is? People that came here, and they came here legally … and they worked their asses off and they made the country great.



Trump Flip-Flops on Calling Megyn Kelly a Bimbo


A single day after he had said he wouldn’t refer to Kelly as a “bimbo,” a term used to insult women, because doing so would “not be politically correct” Donald Trump tweeted the following:


Megyn Kelly is many things, “journalist”, political hack, cover-girl, but as critical we are of her a bimbo she is not. As a lawyer she’s argued cases in front of the United States Court of Appeals, wrote articles for the American Bar Association‘s journal, and (when convenient for her) knows her way around the Constitution.

Usually politicians have some time between they flip-flop to afford them a bit of a buffer. Apparently Trump couldn’t go 24 hours without reverting to his sexist ways.

Also… this.


Donald Trump Makes Ignorant Hat Joke to Turban-Clad Protester

Donald Trump’s tetchy relationship with protesters took another controversial turn on Sunday when he appeared to mock a turban-clad man ejected from a campaign rally in Iowa.

The incident began as Trump was inveighing against “radical Islamic terror,” a common theme in his stump speeches.

“Somebody has to say what’s going on,” he said roughly 15 minutes into an hour-long speech at Muscatine High School, before referencing the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and the San Bernardino, Calif., shooting in December.

“When planes fly into the World Trade Center, and into the Pentagon, and wherever the third plane was going, when people are shooting their friends in California–” Trump said before abruptly pausing as his attention was drawn to the gym’s upper level, where a security guard and a police officer were confronting two protesters.

The protesters were trying to unveil a white sheet with the words “stop hate.” One of the protesters wore a beard and bright-red turban similar to those worn by Sikhs.

“Bye, bye,” Trump said sarcastically as the guard pushed the protester toward the exit and as the crowd began whistling. “Goodbye, goodbye.”

The capacity crowd then broke into chants of “U.S.A., U.S.A.,” before Trump appeared to make a quip about the protester’s turban, which was roughly the same color as Trump’s popular red “Make America Great Again” hats.

“He wasn’t wearing one of those hats was he?” Trump said, gesturing to a supporter’s hat and eliciting a laugh from the crowd.

“And he never will,” Trump continued, segueing back into his speech, “and that’s okay, because we got to do something folks because it’s not working.”


Sikh is not Muslim. Muslim is not Sikh. Read a little. You become less ignorant.



Trump Retweets Racist ‘White Genocide’ Twitter Account


After months of echoing the American racist right—promising to catalogue all American Muslims, accusing immigrants of being rapists, proposing to build a wall covering the entire U.S.-Mexico border—Donald Trump was caught retweeting a racist Twitter account.

Trump used his official Twitter account to retweet the account @WhiteGenocideTM. The account, which has claimed “Hitler SAVED Europe” and that “Jews/Israel did 9/11,” is named after an increasingly popular racist idea that white nationalist have worked hard to push into the mainstream –– the idea of “white genocide.”

White genocide is an idea that white people, far from ruling most of the developed world, are actually being subjected to a genocide that will ultimately wipe out their race. In recent years, the idea has been spread through something known as the “The Mantra,” a 221-word attack on multiculturalism written by Robert Whitaker, a cantankerous segregationist making a presidential bid this year on the racist American Freedom Party ticket. The Mantra ends with the phrase, “Anti-racist is code word for anti-white.”

Already, the Tweet has garnered considerable attention on the racist right. On Stormfront, the nation’s largest white supremacist website, the user Fading Light said, “[T]his is a GOOD thing. [Trump] willingly retweeted the name. The name was chosen to raise awareness of our plight. Helped propagate it. We should be grateful.”

Another user on Stormfront, “DarkWorld423,” said, “A resounding applause to you, Herr Trump. And please pay no mind to the anti-White idiots insulting you.”

(h/t Southern Policy Law Center)


Donald Trump retweeted an account named “White Genocide“. Let that sink in for a moment.

This isn’t the first time Donald Trump went to Twitter to promote racism.

And it isn’t even the last time Trump reweeted from the same Nazi-sympathizing white supremacist Twitter account.

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