Vaccine skeptic appointed to lead controversial study on autism

A vaccine skeptic with a history of promoting discredited claims linking immunizations to autism has been chosen by the federal government to lead a crucial study on this topic. David Geier, who is known for long-standing false assertions regarding vaccines and autism, is engaged by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) despite widespread scientific rejection of these theories.

Geier, listed as a data analyst within HHS, has previously faced administrative action for practicing medicine without a license and has a dubious track record in public health research. His hiring raises serious concerns among experts that the upcoming study will propagate flawed conclusions that could erode public confidence in vaccines, undermining decades of credible research by credible scientists.

Alison Singer, president of the Autism Science Foundation, articulated the gravity of this appointment, criticizing the administration for seemingly starting with a predetermined conclusion to support the baseless theory that vaccines cause autism. She underscored that this approach completely contradicts the scientific method, which requires evidence to inform conclusions.

Moreover, HHS directives have shifted the oversight of the vaccine-autism study to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) shortly after President Trump made controversial comments linking rising autism rates to vaccinations. The reallocation of responsibility to NIH and Geier’s involvement signifies a troubling trend in health administration that prioritizes speculative assertions over established medical findings, which overwhelmingly dissociate vaccines from autism.

Experts, including public health researcher Jessica Steier, emphasize that employing individuals like Geier undermines the integrity of public health work. Their involvement is seen as deeply damaging to vaccination initiatives at a time when public health is already strained by misinformation and skepticism, especially in the wake of public health crises exacerbated by lies propagated by Trump’s administration and anti-vaccine advocates.
