Trump Sent COVID Tests to Putin During 2020 Shortage, New Book Reveals

A new book by Bob Woodward, titled “War,” reveals that during the COVID-19 testing shortage in 2020, then-President Donald Trump secretly sent COVID-19 tests to Russian President Vladimir Putin for his personal use. Amidst a global pandemic, Putin, who was concerned about the virus, accepted the tests but requested that Trump keep the operation confidential to avoid political backlash in the U.S.

According to the book, Putin cautioned Trump, saying, “I don’t want you to tell anybody because people will get mad at you, not me.” This incident highlights the ongoing relationship between Trump and Putin, which has persisted even as Trump campaigns for the presidency in 2024 while Putin continues his aggressive actions in Ukraine.

Woodward’s account indicates that Trump has maintained contact with Putin since leaving office, with reported conversations occurring as many as seven times. The book paints Trump as potentially more reckless than Nixon, suggesting that his actions pose significant risks to U.S. interests and international stability.

In response to the revelations, a Trump campaign spokesman dismissed Woodward’s claims as fabricated, criticizing the author and questioning the credibility of the book. Despite these denials, the narrative presented in “War” depicts Trump as unfit for presidential office, contrasting him with President Joe Biden, who is portrayed as exhibiting steady leadership amidst ongoing international conflicts.

Woodward’s book is set to be released on October 15, 2023, and explores the ramifications of Trump’s foreign policy decisions while he was in office, particularly regarding relations with Putin and the implications for U.S. national security. It also delves into Biden’s handling of foreign crises, including the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, providing insights into the complexities and challenges faced by the current administration.