Melania Trump Thinks Greta Thunberg Had POTUS Attack Coming

Earlier this week, Donald Trump, who is very busy and important, took some time out of his schedule to attack a 16-year-old girl. Responding to the news that Swedish activist Greta Thunberg had been named Timemagazine’s person of the year, the president, like the bridge troll he is, took to Twitter and ranted: “So ridiculous. Greta must work on her Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend! Chill Greta, Chill!”
While the notion of Trump going after someone on Twitter is nothing new—in the past he has slandered everyone from NFL players to the cast of Morning Joe to Bette Midler to Saturday Night Live—some people noted the irony of the attack given that Melania Trump recently went off the deep end after a legal scholar referencedBarron Trump in passing to make a point about the power of the presidency. Also, y’know, her alleged campaign against online bullying, the uniquely named “Be Best.” Does FLOTUS still care about the issue? Would she take to her account to admonish her husband? According to a statement from the White House press secretary, not exactly!
In other words, people who dare to merely speak Barron’s name should be “ashamed” of themselves, but because Thunberg has chosen to bring awareness re: climate change, she is fair game and cannot expect a minimum level of decorum from the president of the United States. Sorry, kid, those are the rules! Something to think about next time you wanna give a speech about an issue that will literally affect everyone on the planet.
In related news, at least one former FLOTUS had a different take on the situation: