Trump Asks Woman Where Her Family Is After She Told Him Twice That They Were Killed by ISIS

President Donald Trump asked Nobel Prize-winning activist Nadia Muradwhere her family is now just seconds after Murad told him that they had all been killed by ISIS.
At an Oval Office event this week, Trump met with survivors of religious persecution and had a surreal exchange with Murad, who won a Nobel Peace Prize in 2018 for her activism in preventing sexual assault after her escape from ISIS captivity.
As Murad stepped forward to speak to Trump, Ambassador Sam Brownback told Trump that she was a Nobel Peace Prize winner for a second time during the event, and Murad began to tell Trump the harrowing story surrounding her captivity.
“When ISIS attack us in 2014, they killed six of my brother,” Murad told Trump. “They killed my mom. They took me to captivity with my eleven sister-in-law, with all my sister and my nieces.”
She went on to explain that 3,000 Yazidi women and children are still missing and that the home from which she was abducted remains torn by violence between various factions.
“Now there is no ISIS, but we cannot go back because Kurdish government and the Iraqi government, they are fighting each other who will control my area,” Murad told Trump, and as she asked him to intercede with the factions, Trump interrupted.
“But ISIS is gone?” Trump asked. “And now it’s Kurdish and…”
“And Iraqi. Iraqi government,” Murad replied, then continued to explain her people’s current situation.
“My people cannot go back. We are not millions of people, we are only half million people. And after 2014, about 95 years — 95,000 years, Yazidi, they immigrate to Germany through a very dangerous way. Not because we want to be a refugee, but we cannot find a safe place to live,” Murad said.
“All this happened to me. They killed my mom, my six brothers,” Murad said, and as she continued, Trump interrupted her.
“Where are they now?” Trump asked, seconds after being told for a second time that they were all killed by ISIS.
“They killed them. They are in the mass graves in Sinjar,” Murad replied.
As she continued to explain, Trump interrupted her to claim, “I know the area very well, you’re talking about. It’s a tough — yeah,” then told her, “We’re going to look into it very strongly.”
Murad thanked Trump at which point he noted “And you had the Nobel Prize?”, then asked, “They gave it to you for what reason?”
As Murad explained her activism following her escape, Trump marveled, “Oh really? Is that right?”