Trump suffers meltdown after James Comey tells CNN it is ‘possible’ that ‘the Russians have leverage over’ the president

President Donald Trump freaked out on Twitter after former FBI Director James Comey gave an exclusive interview to CNN on the two-year anniversary of being fired.
“Do you think the Russians have leverage over President Trump?” Anderson Cooper asked.
“I don’t know the answer to that,” Comey replied.
“Do you think it’s possible?” Cooper asked.
“Yes,” Comey answered.
That was not the only news Comey made.
Comey also said that Attorney General Bill Barr has behaved “less than honorably” and that America can’t have a president “who lies constantly.”
Trump lashed out after the interview was televised.
“James Comey is a disgrace to the FBI and will go down as the worst director in its long and once proud history,” Trump argued, seemingly unaware of the Bureau’s history.
“He brought the FBI down, almost all Republicans and Democrats thought he should be fired, but the FBI will regain greatness because of the great men & women who work there!” Trump argued.