Trump Uses ‘Enemy of the People’ Line Attacking ‘Fake News’ to Cheers at FL Rally

Once again President Donald Trump used the line “enemy of the people” to attack the “fake news” at his Florida rally tonight.
Trump opened by talking about his visit to Pittsburgh and bashing the media for critical coverage of the visit.
He moved on and talked about the great “movement” of his supporters, but as he listed successes of his administration, he went back to attacking the press:
“We have forcefully condemned hatred, bigotry, racism, and prejudice in all of its ugly forms, but the media doesn’t want you to hear your story. It’s not my story, it’s your story. And that’s why 33 percent of the people in this country believe the fake news is, in fact––and I hate to say this––in fact, the enemy of the people.”
The crowd cheered.
Trump went on to say that the media should stop stoking resentment.