Trump Defends Child Separation in Contentious Exchange With Lesley Stahl: ‘I’m President and You’re Not’

President Donald Trump‘s interview with Lesley Stahl for 60 Minutesaired on Sunday night, and during one contentious exchange, the president snapped at the CBS News journalist.
Stahl first asked Trump if he had any regrets from his first two years in office, and he replied that the press has treated him “terribly.”
When Stahl pressed, Trump held firm: “I regret that the press treats me so badly.”
Stahl pressed further and eventually asked Trump about his controversial immigration policy that separated migrant children from their parents at the southern border. Trump retorted by falsely claiming his policy was the same as former President Barack Obama‘s.
“It was on the books, but he didn’t enforce it,” Stahl corrected, noting Trump’s “zero tolerance” policy. “You enforced it.”
When Trump defended the policy as an effective deterrent to illegal immigration, Stahl asked if he would reprise the program. The president did not respond, but held that “there are consequences from coming into a country, namely our country, illegally.”
Trump eventually called out Stahl for her questions, claiming he was being treated differently than Barack Obama.
“I disagree, but I don’t wanna have that fight with you,” Stahl said.
“Lesley, it’s okay,” Trump snapped back. “In the meantime, I’m president and you’re not.”