Sean Spicer Flummoxes Reporters by Claiming White House Not Responsible for Hiring Michael Flynn

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer on Tuesday insisted to reporters that it did not have a responsibility to provide documents used in the hiring of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn because they were filled out in the days before President Donald Trump took office.
At Tuesday’s press briefing, Spicer was peppered with questions about why the White House refused to provide documents related to an investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 U.S. election.
Spicer told reporters that the documents were filled out “during the Obama administration” and “those are not documents that the White House would ever possess.”
“From your perspective, is there no obligation either from the transition [team] or the White House to do anything more than you have done?” CBS correspondent Major Garrett asked.
“Everything that the White House has been asked to do, the only documents that were made available to [Congress] that they asked for were the ones that the Department of Defense had,” Spicer insisted.
“How about these calls made where [Flynn] was working during the transition on behalf of a future President Trump?” Garrett wondered. “Aren’t those things that you should have some responsibility or obligation to provide if you can?”
“It’s a question [of] if you can,” Spicer replied. “To ask for every call a national security adviser made is pretty outlandish.”
“Those calls were made on behalf of the Trump transition were they not?” Garrett pressed.
“When?” Spicer said. “We started this administration on Jan. 20. All the information that they’re talking about occurred prior to him being at the White House.”
“Working for the transition!” Garrett exclaimed.
“Not at the White House!” Spicer shot back. “Everything that is being questioned occurred prior to Jan. 20th.”
(h/t Raw Story)