Mother and Daughter With Disabilities Bullied By Trump Supporters At Rally

A young mother says she and her seven-year-old daughter with disabilities had to be escorted out of a Donald Trump rally by Secret Service officers after they were bullied by supporters.
Jennifer Mau went to the Republican nominee’s event in Loveland, Colorado on Monday night, saying she was curious what he would say about people with disabilities.
The mom, who is an undecided voter, said she decided to leave after about 20 minutes.
‘I just wanted to see what a (Trump) rally would be like, because I’ve watched them all over the country,’ she told KMGH.
But once Mau got up to leave with her daughter – who was born with multiple birth defects, including facial anomalies, and no jawbone or ears – that’s when she says the trouble started.
‘Somebody said, “why are you leaving”, and basically that struck a nerve and I said, “why are you here”, because it was all handicapped people, and I said, “why are you here, he makes fun of people like you”.’
She went on to say once she did decide to leave, a woman began following her and hurling abuse at her.
‘She was screaming and yelling at me, saying that if I loved my daughter I would vote for Trump and I need to get educated because he didn’t mock somebody on purpose.
‘It made me sad, it made me want to vomit. Chloe is my life, my heart, I live to advocate for Chloe, to be there for her.’
Mau also said other people at the event said her young girl was beautiful as she left.
Trump has been slammed for mocking a New York Times reporter who has a disability at a rally in South Carolina last November.
The Republican did an impression of Serge Kovaleski – a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist who was born with arthrogryposis – that included him putting on a bizarre voice and flailing his limbs around.
Arthrogryposis can cause sufferers’ joints to get stuck in one position and can also see people born with weaker or missing muscles.
(h/t The Daily Mail)