Trump Suggests That Obama Doesn’t Want to Get Rid of Terrorism

Trump told radio host Michael Savage that Obama refuses to say the magic words “radical Islamic terrorism” because maybe he doesn’t want to stop the terrorists.
We have a president that won’t even use the words and if you don’t use the words, you’re never going to get rid of the problem. We have a — maybe he doesn’t want to get rid of the problem. I don’t know exactly what’s going on.
Savage seemed to know exactly what Trump meant.
“Ah ha. Now you’re going as close to the board as a hockey player can go without hitting the puck into the stands. I get it,” he said.
(h/t Right Wing Watch)
Sending a dog whistle to the GOP’s anti-Obama base, Donald Trump has taken to saying that “there’s something we don’t know about” the president when it comes to issues like terrorism and the resettlement of Syrian refugees.
While Trump has never come out and said what that he thinks that “something” is, the GOP presidential frontrunner told conservative radio host Michael Savage that he believes Obama may actually be a terrorist sympathizer.
Donald Trump continues to propagate an old baseless conservative political smear from 2007 that Obama is a covert Muslim extremist hellbent on destroying democracy.
For those who may be too young or have forgotten, Fox News was famous for their political smears against the then-Senator Obama saying things like:
- Obama had attended a radical Islamic madrassa when he was a child in Indonesia.
- Obama supported the release of the “Lockerbie Bomber” Abdel Baset al-Megrahi.
- When Obama was a community organizer he was training for a radical overthrow of the government.