Trump Retweets, Then Deletes, Racist Image Tying Jeb Bush to Nazis

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Tuesday night retweeted — and promptly deleted — a collage attacking his GOP primary rival Jeb Bush that featured a swastika.
The tweet, which Trump manually reposted, was quickly circulated by various Twitter users and reporters, who took screenshots of the image and reposted them.
In addition to a swastika, the collage also used Hispanic stereotypes to promote an anti-immigration reform agenda. The campaign said Wednesday morning that Trump did not realize the image included offensive imagery.
“This was retweeted by Mr. Trump like hundreds of others. He did not see the accompanying image and the retweet has since been deleted,” Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks said in an e-mail.
Last month Trump’s account tweeted a comment disparaging Iowa voters who support his rival Ben Carson, insinuating they lacked intelligence. In July, Trump’s account tweeted a graphic that inadvertently used images of Nazi soldiers. In both instances, Trump said that an intern had committed the error.
(h/t The Washington Post)
Trump must be running out of interns to fire.