Trump Supporter Drags Latino Protestor Out Of Rally

Ariel Rojas wasn’t the only protester inside Donald Trump’s campaign event at Trump National Miami Doral Resort on Friday. At least three separate groups could be heard interrupting Trump and chanting pro-immigration messages.
Rojas’ group, comprised of eight Florida International University students, each holding up one letter, spelling out the word E-Q-U-A-L-I-T-Y.
Rojas, a senior at FIU, was holding up the letter Q before, he said, the Trump supporters standing in front of him turned around, grabbed their signs, and tore them to pieces.
“There were some choice moments of irony,’ said Rojas, whose friend reported seeing a Trump supporter whacking a protester with a sign that read “The Silent Majority Supports Trump.”
A man can be seen dragging Rojas by the collar of his shirt before falling to the ground. While on the ground Rojas gets kicked by the man who was dragging him.
According to the campaign, the man who dragged Rojas is not a Trump campaign staffer or an employee of the Trump Resort, he was “merely an attendee” at the rally.
Once outside the event, Rojas and his fellow protesters were escorted off the premises by police.
(h/t NBC)
Sanctioned violence against protesters by supporters is a common occurrence at Trump events.