Stop The Donald Trump

He's a fascist, authoritarian, racist, sexist, and the former Republican President of the United States of America.

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Trump’s Call for Military Action Against Political Opponents Sparks Outrage

Donald Trump has ignited significant backlash from Democrats following his recent comments suggesting that the U.S. military should be deployed against political adversaries during the upcoming presidential election. In a Fox News interview, Trump referred to his opponents as ‘the enemy within,’ indicating that this group poses a greater threat to democracy than foreign entities or illegal immigrants.

During the interview, Trump singled out Congressmember Adam Schiff, asserting that he represents a danger to fair elections. Trump’s rhetoric has raised alarms among political analysts and historians, who draw parallels between his proposed actions and authoritarian regimes led by figures like Viktor Orbán and Vladimir Putin.

Kamala Harris’s campaign responded sharply, comparing Trump’s remarks to his previous threats to act as a dictator should he regain the presidency. Harris’s campaign pointed out that these statements reflect a serious threat to democratic norms, calling for vigilance among Americans who value their freedoms.

In addition to targeting Schiff, Trump has reiterated claims of widespread voter fraud without evidence, furthering fears that he may incite violence or unrest if he perceives electoral outcomes as unfavorable. Schiff himself has condemned Trump’s comments, likening them to the incitement of the January 6 Capitol attack and warning of the potential for political violence.


Trump Jokes About Being Shot at Rally with Gold Star Family

During a campaign rally in Oaks, Pennsylvania, former President Donald Trump made an inappropriate joke about being shot after being introduced to a Gold Star family who lost their son, Michael, in the war in Afghanistan. South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem acknowledged the family’s loss before inviting them on stage, prompting Trump to quip that it was ‘a little harder to get up since I got shot.’

Noem reminded Trump of the family’s loss with the comment, ‘Sir, they lost their son Michael.’ Trump then engaged the Gold Star parents, Mary and Charles Strange, who requested a congressional hearing into the circumstances of their son’s death.

Charles Strange explained that his son was killed on August 6, 2011, alongside 29 other service members, marking one of the largest losses in the Iraq and Afghan wars. He expressed frustration over the lack of answers regarding the circumstances surrounding their deaths.

In response, Trump promised to set up a commission to investigate their concerns within the first week of his new administration, stating that many families are in similar situations and seek clarity about their loved ones’ fates. His comments included a pledge to prioritize other campaign promises as well.

This incident highlights Trump’s controversial style of humor and his approach to addressing sensitive issues related to military families and veterans.


Trump Promises Mass Deportation Using 1798 Law Amid Controversy

During a recent rally in Aurora, Colorado, former President Donald Trump announced plans to use the Alien Enemies Act of 1798 to initiate mass deportations of immigrants. Trump described immigrants as “the worst criminals in the world” and vowed to expedite the removal of individuals he referred to as “savage gangs”. This law, historically associated with the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II, would empower the president to enact broad deportation measures.

Trump’s rhetoric included specific threats to Haitian-American immigrants, whom he stated would need to return to Haiti regardless of their legal status in the U.S. He asserted that local police would receive immunity from prosecution for actions taken under this mass deportation scheme, which he claimed would affect up to 20 million people.

The former president’s comments have elicited pushback from local officials, including Aurora’s Republican mayor Mike Coffman, who stated that the city is not overrun by gangs, contrary to Trump’s claims. The mayor emphasized that Aurora is a safe city, countering Trump’s characterization of the area as a “war zone”.

Critics have highlighted the potential human rights implications and economic consequences of Trump’s proposed deportations, warning that it could lead to widespread suffering among immigrant communities. Trump’s approach reflects a continuation of his administration’s hardline stance on immigration, aiming to galvanize support among his base by invoking fear related to crime and safety.

As Trump seeks to re-establish his influence in the political landscape, his latest remarks signal a return to familiar themes of fear and division surrounding immigration policy. The potential implementation of the Alien Enemies Act raises significant concerns about civil liberties and the treatment of immigrant populations in the United States.


Racist Trump Says Immigrant Children Are ‘From A Different Planet’

Former President Donald Trump held a rally in Coachella, California, and made inflammatory comments regarding illegal immigration, stating, “Your children are in danger. You can’t go to school with these people, these people are from a different planet.” This statement has been perceived as racially charged and indicative of Trump’s ongoing pattern of divisive rhetoric concerning immigration and race.

Trump’s speech also included typical Republican critiques of California, including its struggles with homelessness and environmental regulations. He threatened Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom over water rights issues and referred to him derogatorily as “New-scum,” continuing a longstanding rivalry.

While Trump is unlikely to win California, his campaign aims to leverage the state’s significant population of conservative voters to boost participation in upcoming elections. The rally was part of a broader strategy to mobilize support in battleground states, following earlier stops in Nevada and Arizona.


Trump Advocates Violence Against Heckler at California Rally

Former President Donald Trump made controversial remarks during a rally in Coachella, California, suggesting that a heckler should receive violent treatment. In his speech, Trump referred to the upcoming election as an opportunity to deliver a message, and upon noticing the heckler, he said, “She gets the hell knocked out of her,” indicating a disturbing pattern of promoting violence against dissenters.

This incident is not isolated; Trump has a history of using aggressive language towards hecklers. In previous rallies, he has encouraged supporters to physically confront those who interrupt him, contributing to a culture of hostility at his events.

During the rally, Trump painted a grim picture of the United States, labeling it as an “occupied country” and continuously spreading misinformation about undocumented immigrants. He falsely asserted that the nation was overrun by criminal gangs, despite evidence showing that the majority of immigrants do not have criminal backgrounds.

Trump’s rhetoric included plans for a deportation initiative dubbed “Operation Aurora,” aimed at dismantling alleged criminal networks linked to undocumented immigrants. However, local officials disputed his claims about gangs taking over communities, highlighting the disconnect between Trump’s statements and factual reality.

The rally concluded a week filled with Trump’s controversial remarks, including disparaging comments about Vice President Kamala Harris and various Democratic figures. His speeches have increasingly focused on anti-immigrant sentiments while downplaying the complexities of crime statistics related to undocumented immigrants.


Trump’s Controversial Claims About Migrants at Nevada Rally

During a recent rally in Reno, Nevada, former President Donald Trump made alarming claims about migrants crossing into the United States. He asserted that some migrants are equipped with weapons more advanced than those used by U.S. soldiers and suggested that they pose a significant threat to American sovereignty. Trump’s rhetoric implied that these migrants are attempting to ‘conquer’ the country, a characterization that echoes extremist narratives historically used to dehumanize marginalized groups.

Trump’s comments included unfounded claims that migrants are overwhelming hospitals and public schools to the detriment of American citizens. He alleged that there are no available hospital beds for Americans and implied that migrant children are prioritized over local children in schools. These statements are misleading and lack credible evidence, contributing to a narrative that fosters fear and division.

The former president’s remarks also included a call to action for his supporters, promising that under a potential future Trump administration, American citizens would be prioritized over migrants. He framed the situation as a battle for the country’s future, using language that evokes historical parallels with extremist ideologies that aimed to incite fear and justify discrimination.

Trump’s rhetoric has been criticized for its potential to incite violence and normalize hate against immigrant communities. His comparison of migrants to armed adversaries reflects a dangerous trend in political discourse that seeks to vilify and marginalize vulnerable populations. This approach not only distorts the reality of immigration but also undermines the values of inclusivity and compassion.


Trump Attacks Kamala Harris and ‘The View’ Hosts in Misogynistic Tirade

Former President Donald Trump recently criticized Vice President Kamala Harris and the hosts of ABC’s ‘The View,’ labeling them with derogatory terms such as ‘dummy’ and ‘dumb women.’ His comments, made via Truth Social, included a rebuke of Harris’ assertion that she would not have acted differently than President Biden during his term, which he deemed her ‘dumbest answer so far.’ This tirade is particularly striking given Trump’s recent attempts to appeal to female voters, a demographic in which Harris currently enjoys stronger support.

Trump’s history of making disparaging remarks about women, especially those who oppose him, contradicts his claims of being a champion for women’s rights. Despite proclaiming his dedication to the well-being of women during campaign rallies, his aggressive rhetoric towards female critics reveals a pattern of misogyny that undermines his political narrative. This behavior is consistent with his past, where he has faced multiple allegations of sexual misconduct and has been found liable for sexual abuse in a civil court.

Whoopi Goldberg responded to Donald Trump’s derogatory remarks regarding her and her fellow co-hosts on ‘The View,’ which he labeled as ‘dumb’ and criticized Goldberg’s comedy as ‘filthy dirty.’ During a Pennsylvania rally, Trump expressed that he would never hire Goldberg again, despite having done so four times in the past. In a spirited comeback, Goldberg highlighted this contradiction, questioning Trump’s intelligence by stating, ‘Are you dumb? You hired me four times.’

Goldberg’s rebuttal came after she and her co-hosts staged a walkout on the show to Christina Aguilera’s song ‘Dirrty,’ a direct nod to Trump’s insults. She pointed out that Trump was aware of her comedic style before hiring her, reinforcing her stance on the matter. Goldberg’s comments aimed to remind viewers of Trump’s history of engaging with them, despite his current criticisms.

Co-host Sunny Hostin also chimed in, thanking Trump for his constant stream of material for their discussions, implying that his actions have inadvertently provided content for their show. Hostin remarked on the irony of Trump’s attention to ‘The View’ while significant issues, such as natural disasters, persist in the country.

Goldberg further criticized Trump for focusing on her and her co-hosts rather than addressing pressing national concerns, including the aftermath of Hurricane Milton in Florida. She emphasized that Trump’s irritation with the show’s hosts revealed his viewership, contradicting his claims of disinterest.

Goldberg’s response serves as a reminder of the ongoing tensions between Trump and various public figures, particularly those in the entertainment industry who challenge his narrative. This exchange also underscores the broader cultural conversations surrounding media, celebrity, and political discourse.


Trump Calls On FCC To Revoke CBS’ Broadcast License, From The Authoritarian Playbook

Donald Trump is calling on the FCC to revoke the license of CBS after 60 Minutes was found to have (dun dun dun) edited down one of Kamala Harris’ answers for time, something that happens quite regularly when Trump runs to his safe space Fox News.

The FCC obviously pushed back, but the people leading the FCC now pointing out Trump’s wishes obviously is anti-constitutional, will not be there once Donald Trump retakes power.

As I’ve said before, the First Amendment is a cornerstone of our democracy. The FCC does not and will not revoke licenses for broadcast stations simply because a political candidate disagrees with or dislikes content or coverage. – FCC Chair Jessica Rosenworcel

In the authoritarian playbook, clamping down on independent media will happen quick and we’ll never get it back. Recall when Hugo Chavez in Venezuela sent forces to take over independent private news agencies and brought them back online as propaganda outlets.

It wasn’t that long ago that the last independent news agency in Hungry was kicked off the air when Viktor Orban revoked all broadcast licenses of a free and open press, and now all Hungry has is pro-Orban propaganda outlets. Orban was recently a featured speaker at CPAC, the largest gathering of conservatives, on how to successfully import authoritarianism in a Western democracy.

So far Trump has previously threatened the broadcast licenses of ABC, NBC, PBS, NPR and simply for reporting on the things he says and does. And now Trump is threatening CBS because he ducked out of 60 Minutes like the pussybitch he is because they wouldn’t agree to not fact check him.

It will happen here. If not with Trump, then the next Republican because the authoritarian model has been fully adopted by the GOP.

Trump Advocates Death Penalty for Drug Dealers in Erratic Rant

Donald Trump, the former president, recently took to the stage at the Detroit Economics Club and delivered a bizarre eight-minute monologue on his parenting style. This rant took a dark turn when he suggested that drug dealers should face the death penalty, demonstrating a shocking lack of clarity in his thoughts. Amid softball questions about his accomplishments and advice for young adults, Trump’s response to inquiries about fatherhood was particularly unsettling.

During the Q&A session, Trump, who is on his third marriage and has five children, began by expressing his luck in having ‘smart children.’ He claimed he instilled values of sobriety by telling them, ‘No drugs, no alcohol, no smoking.’ This is ironic, considering his previous praise for flavored vaping during his presidency, highlighting his contradictory stance on substance use.

Trump’s comments morphed into a rambling discussion about his relationship with China’s President Xi Jinping, who he claimed would eliminate drug issues by imposing the death penalty on those involved in trafficking fentanyl. Trump asserted that countries with such harsh penalties do not experience drug problems, a claim that overlooks the complex realities of drug addiction and law enforcement.

While attempting to present himself as a tough-on-drugs leader, Trump’s arguments lack factual support. Contrary to his assertions, data from China indicates there are nearly 900,000 registered drug users in the country, undermining his narrative that extreme measures effectively solve drug issues.

In summary, Trump’s Detroit speech encapsulated his erratic thought process and dangerous rhetoric on public health issues. His suggestion of capital punishment for drug dealers is not only alarming but also reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of drug addiction and its societal impacts.


Trump Declines Fox News Debate Invitation Against Kamala Harris

Former President Donald Trump has declined an invitation from Fox News to participate in a debate against Vice President Kamala Harris. The proposed debate was scheduled to take place in Pennsylvania on either October 24 or October 27, with Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum serving as moderators.

In a call to Fox & Friends last month, Trump expressed ambivalence about facing Harris again but indicated that he would consider it if a Fox host who often praises him were to moderate. However, after Fox News officially extended the debate invitation, Trump took to Truth Social to declare himself the victor of their previous debates, asserting he would not engage with Harris again.

Trump’s all-caps message emphasized his belief that he had decisively won the last two debates, both against Harris and President Joe Biden. He claimed he accepted a prior invitation to debate Harris on September 4, which she allegedly declined.

In his statement, Trump dismissed the notion of a rematch, arguing that Harris’s recent comments indicated she would not diverge from Biden’s policies, thereby rendering the debate unnecessary. He also claimed to be leading in polls, suggesting an increasing advantage over his competitors.

Despite Trump’s assertions, Harris had a strong performance in their previous debate, contrasting with Trump’s continued spread of misinformation regarding various topics, including immigration.


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