Trump Campaign Manager Calls For More Privacy From Trump But Less Transparency From Clinton

Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway downplayed the need for “extensive medical reporting” on Donald Trump while accusing Hillary Clinton of a lack of transparency about her health conditions.

Speaking to MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell on Tuesday, Conway said that she did not know what information Trump would disclose about his health when he appears on The Dr. Oz Show on Wednesday.

“I don’t know why we need such extensive medical reporting when we all have a right to privacy,” the campaign manager opined.

Mitchell pointed out that there was a tradition of candidates releasing medical records, which Trump had refused to honor.

“The American people have a right to know what the health is of their perspective commander-in-chief,” Mitchell insisted.
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“I agree with your premise,” Conway replied. “And so the question remains, why in the world did Hillary Clinton lie to everyone and conceal such an important fact for two days [after being diagnosed with pneumonia], saying she was overheated and dehydrated and then, of course, hours and hours later after, unfortunately, her health had become the biggest trending story of the day, not the 9/11 fallen.”

“The question remains that if this is about transparency and medical records and health conditions then why was she so furtive in the business of concealment here?”

(h/t Raw Story)


In logic this is known as a double-standard. Unfairly applying a rule in different ways to different people.
